Aalba Dent, Inc. Images and Logos Terms of Use:
1. All images in the Aalba Dent Image Download Center are the property of Aalba Dent, Inc. and are protected by copyright and/or trademark law.
2. Aalba Dent shall not be held liable if the use of the images and logos violate the rights of third parties. The logos and images provided were prepared to industry standards to the best of our knowledge. Aalba Dent shall not be held liable for faults found in these images and logos or any system damages resulting from these faults.
3. The logos and photos provided in the Aalba Dent Image Download Center are approved for the use only by Aalba Dent’s partners, dealers, dental laboratories and dentists for their use exclusively for the purposes to present, promote and for the sales of Aalba Dent Products. The use of Aalba Dent logos must not be used in a manner that the advertising is credited to Aalba Dent. The images and logos must be used in their original condition as downloaded from the Aalba Dent Image Download Center and must remain unchanged. The images and logos must not be used in combination with any other logos or trademarks. The use of the images or logos does not permit the user to act as legal agent or representative of Aalba Dent. The images used must include the reference source: “Photo: Aalba Dent”.
4. The use of logos and images described in this agreement is provided to Aalba Dent’s partners, dealers, dental laboratories and dentists at no cost and does not require permission by Aalba Dent. Any use other than the purposes described in this agreement or to any other party not specifically listed in this agreement is permitted only with the prior written consent by Aalba Dent.
5. Aalba Dent reserves the right to claim compensation for damages. Furthermore, Aalba Dent reserves the right to revoke the right of use for any reason, in which case the user undertakes to refrain from using the images and logos at his/her own expense. In the event that the user uses Aalba Dent images or logos in a manner that violates the terms of this agreement, Aalba Dent may require the user to recall, withdraw, correct or completely refrain from distributing any materials that feature the pictures and logos at his/her own expense.
6. These Terms of Use and the Aalba Dent Image Download Center shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the US Department of Commerce and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
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